The European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI) will organise the 10th edition of its ESWI Influenza Conference in Valencia from 20 - 23 October 2025.


In keeping with ESWI’s excellent scientific reputation, the 10th edition of the conference will give the floor to the most renowned Influenza, RSV and COVID-19 scientists, public health officials and healthcare professionals, discussing hot topics in epidemic and pandemic flu, RSV, COVID-19 and other acute respiratory viruses. As always, the conference has two science tracks and one track designed to translate the science into policy.

Key dates

25 November 24

First announcement and opening abstract submission and launch of ESWI Awards

1 February 25

Opening participant registrations

28 February 25

Deadline submission ESWI Awards

14 March 25

SPI concept note submission deadline

16 May 25

Abstract submission deadline

9 June 25

Opening late breaker abstract submissions

30 June 25

End of Early bird registration fees

1 July 25

Start of Full registration fees

10 August 25

End late breaker abstract submissions

28 September 25

Registration for participation deadline

Call for abstracts 

The call for abstracts open on 25 November 2024.

Scientific Programme 

Scientific abstract submission deadline: 16 May 2025. Read the guidelines here 

  • Diagnosis and diagnostics in Acute Respiratory Virus Infections (ARVI)
  • Virus structure and replication
  • Virus evolution and strain selection
  • Epidemiology, surveillance
  • Mathematical modelling and projections, including limitations
  • Innate and adaptive immunity
  • Future vaccination strategies and vaccination platforms
  • Pandemic Preparedness
  • Virus and host factors in pathogenesis
  • Antiviral and immune therapy
  • Human challenge studies
  • Threats from the animal world
  • Pharmaceutical and non pharmaceutical intervention
  • Clinical manifestations, burden of disease and management
  • Long COVID and other long term effects of ARVI infections

SPI Concept notes 

You are also welcome to submit a concept note for the Science Policy Interface track. This track translates science into policy. 

Science Policy Interface concept note submission deadline: 14 March 2025. Read the guidelines here 

Topics can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Implementation of National Immunisation Programmes
  • Respiratory virus infection management and innovations in diagnostics
  • Vaccine platforms and policy development for effective vaccination deployment
  • Burden of disease in acute respiratory virus infections
  • Benefits and challenges of European electronic health registries and immunisation records
  • Empowering Preparedness: Harnessing Science to Manage Epidemics and Pandemics
  • Vaccination strategies from a policy perspective
  • Other topics

Available support

As per our longstanding tradition, there will be support available for the highest scoring abstracts submitted by Early Career Scientists or Delegates from LMIC’s.

For more information, click here

10th Influenza Conference

ESWI is proud to be organising the 10th edition of its Influenza Conference. This milestone event marks a decade of significant contributions to influenza research and public health. We look forward to bringing together leading experts to share the latest advancements and foster collaboration in the ongoing fight against influenza.

Prizes for Early Career Scientists

In 2009 ESWI launched the Claude Hannoun prize for Best Body of Work and in 2020 the Award for Innovative vaccine research. The winners presented their research in a dedicated session supporting early career scientists at the ESWI Conference.

In 2023, ESWI pioneered a new award recognising Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Science.

This was ESWI2023

Recap of the day
ESWI Awards

Get to know our committees

The Organising Committee, the Scientific Programme Committee and Science Policy Interface Programme Committee are responsible for organising and preparing the conference, setting conference priorities, reviewing abstracts and determining topics of key importance.

Valencia Conference Centre

In 2010 and 2018, the Valencia Congress Centre was awarded the World’s Best Convention Centre prize by the International Association of Congress Centres (AIPC). It is a state-of-the-art congress venue with great facilities. It is located seven minutes from the Valencia-Manises international airport.

Coalition Partners